
Whiz series

AI-powered commercial cleaning robot | SoftBank Robotics Corp.
Whiz official site


除菌清掃ロボットWhiz(ウィズ)はSoftBank Roboticsが、AI搭載の人型コミュニケーションロボット「Pepper」の次に世に送り出した、スマートAI搭載をした業務用清掃ロボットです。弊社ではプロダクトのコンセプトデザインから、製品化に向けたクリエイティブサポート、CMFのディレクション、一部GUIのデザインで関わりました。
多くの要求、配慮、問題の解決を経た姿は、程よく張りのある3次曲面と爽やかで清潔感のあるCMFにより、これまでの清掃業界にはないスマートさと愛嬌を持ったAI清掃ロボットが生まれました。次いで、Whizを実運用して得られた知見をもと、より扱い易くという視点から生まれたWhiz iにおいてもクリエイティブサポートを行いました。

Connection, cleanliness, and design as a tool.
Whiz is SoftBank Robotics' second AI-powered commercial cleaning robot, after Pepper, humanoid communication robot. We were involved in the conceptual design of the product, the creative support for the commercialization, the direction of the CMF, and some GUI design.
Many people in Japan are familiar with the "pepper" humanoid robot. The product has a great impression, and "connection" was the axis for the design of this next product. Of course, they are two different robots with different forms and purposes, but that's why we thought they should have a connection as objects developed by a single brand. We thought the connection should be seamless and CMF (abbreviation for surface design: color, material, and finish). The design of Pepper is based on the continuity of shapes with minimal irregularities, and the fresh and clean CMF of high-gloss white and matte light gray. By incorporating these elements well, we created a connection as the brand and its lineup.
On the other hand, Whiz, a commercial cleaning robot, was a robot that required more serious requirements for "use" than Pepper. While it is a robot, it also has many aspects of being a "tool," so it needed to be designed with consideration for usability, the environment and conditions in which it would be used, and the impression that the act of cleaning gives.
The result of the many requests, considerations, and problem-solving was an AI cleaning robot with a moderately taut tertiary curved surface and a fresh, clean CMF that was smart and charming in a way that the cleaning industry has never seen before. Next, we provided creative support for Whiz i, which was created from the perspective of making it easier to use, based on the knowledge we gained through actual operation of Whiz. It has been accepted in many places and is working as a helper for people.

Creative Direction : Daisuke Kitagawa, SoftBank Robotics corp.
Design + Creative support : Daisuke Kitagawa
Photograph : SoftBank Robotics corp.
